
18, he/they, autistic,
nb aroace, sagittarius & ENTP.

there is a different section for each picture.

♱ typology ♱

EN(T) NeTi sp748 ILE FLEV SLUEI sang-mel

♱ astrology ♱

☉ sagittarius, ☽ scorpio, 🠕 leo.

♱ trigger warnings ♱

bugs, loud noises.

♱ interests ♱

poetry, books, crimonology, psychology, typology, roses,
crows, cats, spiders, tea, vkei and darkwave music, fire aaaaaaaaaaaa astrology, chess and tarots.
♱. currently fav games: silent hill 2, resident evil 4
aaaaaaaatlou, ffxv + ffvii and kingdom hearts.

♱ music ♱

♱. types; classical, vkei, goth, darkwave, rock and breakcore.♱. bands; Tv girl, deftones, radiohead, malice mizer, dadaroma, the strokes, the smiths, crystal castles, the cure, sisters of mercy, bauhaus, lebanon hanover, sewerslvt, the garden, the doors, crywank, duster, acetantina, gulu gulu.

♱ fav books ♱

♱. no longer human;
♱. the stranger; aaaa
aaaa ♱. crime and punishment;
aaaaaa♱. notes from underground;
aaa♱. beyond good and evil;

"deep into that darkness peering, long i stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before."

✞ links ✞

spotify, instagram, tiktok,